Are you interested in getting a loan, but you want to know what it will cost you first? Are you looking at a personal loan offer and wondering how much you'll save on interest if you use it to consolidate your credit cards? If so, you can use this loan calculator to answer these questions. Enter your loan amount, interest rate, term, and start date, and this calculator will give you all the information you need nearly instantaneously! You can use this calculator for most loans, including auto loans, personal loans, mortgages, and more! Before you take the money from your lender, see precisely how much it's going to cost you.
Dec, 2024 | Nov, 2027 | |
Loan Closing | Loan Payoff |
Date | Interest | Principal | Balance |
Dec, 2024 | $188 | $607 | $24,393 |
2024 | $188 | $607 | $24,393 |
Jan, 2025 | $183 | $612 | $23,780 |
Feb, 2025 | $178 | $617 | $23,164 |
Mar, 2025 | $174 | $621 | $22,543 |
Apr, 2025 | $169 | $626 | $21,917 |
May, 2025 | $164 | $631 | $21,286 |
Jun, 2025 | $160 | $635 | $20,651 |
Jul, 2025 | $155 | $640 | $20,011 |
Aug, 2025 | $150 | $645 | $19,366 |
Sep, 2025 | $145 | $650 | $18,716 |
Oct, 2025 | $140 | $655 | $18,061 |
Nov, 2025 | $135 | $660 | $17,402 |
Dec, 2025 | $131 | $664 | $16,737 |
2025 | $1,885 | $7,655 | $16,737 |
Jan, 2026 | $126 | $669 | $16,068 |
Feb, 2026 | $121 | $674 | $15,393 |
Mar, 2026 | $115 | $680 | $14,714 |
Apr, 2026 | $110 | $685 | $14,029 |
May, 2026 | $105 | $690 | $13,339 |
Jun, 2026 | $100 | $695 | $12,644 |
Jul, 2026 | $95 | $700 | $11,944 |
Aug, 2026 | $90 | $705 | $11,239 |
Sep, 2026 | $84 | $711 | $10,528 |
Oct, 2026 | $79 | $716 | $9,812 |
Nov, 2026 | $74 | $721 | $9,091 |
Dec, 2026 | $68 | $727 | $8,364 |
2026 | $1,167 | $8,373 | $8,364 |
Jan, 2027 | $63 | $732 | $7,632 |
Feb, 2027 | $57 | $738 | $6,894 |
Mar, 2027 | $52 | $743 | $6,151 |
Apr, 2027 | $46 | $749 | $5,402 |
May, 2027 | $41 | $754 | $4,647 |
Jun, 2027 | $35 | $760 | $3,887 |
Jul, 2027 | $29 | $766 | $3,121 |
Aug, 2027 | $23 | $772 | $2,350 |
Sep, 2027 | $18 | $777 | $1,572 |
Oct, 2027 | $12 | $783 | $789 |
Nov, 2027 | $6 | $789 | $0 |
2027 | $381 | $8,364 | $0 |